Hybrid Events and the Way They Work
A hybrid event is essentially a trade show, convention, conference, tutorial or workshop that merges a traditional in-person event with an online component.
Hybrid events often combine traditional in-site customer service functions with online event content features. An example of a hybrid events content provider would include the host company, host event staff, event planners or web design professionals. The hybrid event content provider would provide event staff with event web-based tools, such as an online customer registration system, as well as with easy to use registration software that could be downloaded and used on the go by the customer attending the event. The event content provider would manage all aspects of the online event from web site design to order entry administration, all the way down to the credentialing of the attendee.
Another example of a hybrid event content provider would be a technology company or Internet access company that hosts an online IT event. In this case, the IT event could be an internal IT event or a cyber-security event hosted by the tech company for interested attendees who would be able to obtain information about the latest in IT security practices. The company hosting the event would provide a live chat function as well as a toll-free number where guests could call in to ask questions. Another advantage to this hybrid event content provider is that the tech company’s employees could use the same number to answer questions as the registrant. Additionally, it may be possible for the tech company to offer its employees remote training sessions via its website.
Another hybrid event that merges traditional in-person travel expenses with online registration and hosting is the travel-based sponsorship event. Many companies that sponsor in-person travel events allow their sponsors to use the exact same website as their own to register and host their event. Similarly, sponsors can also take advantage of travel management services provided by the event organizers.
Hybrid events often have multiple hybrid elements. For example, a travel-based event may offer a list of hotels around the world that will cater to the specific interests of the various sponsors. A travel-only seminar may also be offered to the sponsors along with hotel discounts and package deals. Another hybrid event look like a combination of the traditional and online versions with the added twist of extra online services. This type of event could also include some interesting ways for sponsors to get involved.
Hybrid events offer increased reach to a larger audience while potentially lowering costs due to simpler management of logistics and increased reach. These events are ideal for small businesses that cannot afford to invest significant amounts of money into advertising or PR campaigns. While an online-only event may take part in promotional activities to attract sponsors, the events that combine both the online and offline components are better able to take part in promotional activities and provide a higher ROI. For any business, this is always a huge plus because the results of promotional efforts are measured over time, which is something that any business can’t do with only one venue.